Ludicrital Character Sheets

Wake to Hell

Hello, and welcome to the main page for Wake to Hell; the side story to LUDICRITAL made by blitzdoughnuts, in appreciation of tracker music and originally minor distaste of certain anarchist philosophies.

This game was made as three things: a project just to improve at game programming, a way to build on the LUDICRITAL story without having to deal with procrastination... which clearly did NOT work, and also as an application of a design philosophy that simply sucks less.

Wake to Hell follows Lukifer Dredd, a formerly employed surgeon and doctor at a hospital in some nondiscrept location in Florida. Something just feels wrong one day, yet he keeps on going through his day as normal... or tries to, at least. Look around and take in the air, find out what things are like while everyone's gone, and maybe discover yourself along the way.

You can play this game here; you can download one of the ZIP files and extract to begin playing, preferably the latest one.
Please note that some parts of this game is not at all finished, but may or may not still present an at least somewhat cohesive story... I hope.
See the Info page for more information, including licensing details.

WARNING: This game contains similarly unsuitable content to LUDICRITAL:
Blood and injuries, vulgar speech and themes, implications of mental breakdowns and self-harm, and likely other potential triggers or disturbances.
Discretion is advised when playing this game.

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